Section: New Software and Platforms

WebGC: Web-based Gossip Communication

Participants : Raziel Carvajal Gomez, Davide Frey, Anne-Marie Kermarrec.

Table 7.
Contact: Raziel Carvajal Gomez, Davide Frey
License: Not-yet released
Presentation: Library for Gossip protocols within Web Browsers
Status: Ongoing development

WebGC is a library for gossip-based communication between web-browsers. It has been developed in collaboration with Mathieu Simonin in the context of the Brow2Brow ADT project. WebGC builds on the recent WebRTC standard as well as on PeerJS, an open-source project that provides primitives for data transfer on top of WebRTC.

The library currently includes the implementation of two peer sampling protocols, Cyclon and the generic peer-sampling protocol from [7] , as well as a clustering protocol [1] . All protocols implement a common GossipProtocol “interface”—since Javascript does not natively support interfaces, we adopt the interface pattern. A Coordinator makes it possible to stack these protocols on top of each other to implement applications.